Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Enjoy Childhood

Meep! I just thought I'd post about enjoying childhood :3
Lots, and I mean a lot, of people want to grow up A.S.A.P for whatever reason they might have.
But think about it! When you get to 25 or whatever, you can't stop there! You keep growing until your eighty or so and then you can't do all that much. 
So enjoy childhood!
You're only a child/teenager for about 18 years, by which time you're practically grown up.
You're going to have so many responsibilities!
Work, getting a house, finding a husband/wife, having your own children, etc.
When you're a child you can have fun and play around! Enjoy yourself!



  1. Kiny, you are SO AWESOME!!!

    1. Yeah! She's the best friend EVER!

      P.s. Kin, i got your letter!! I am sending mine today! ;P

    2. Goody! :D :D
      And Kiny is AWESOME, isn't she? ^.^

  2. Kinda true but I wanna make my own choices.. XD Also I like your music taste Frosie... c:

  3. Yeah, I liek the music I like!! LOL! (That was weird. . . ?)

    ~Frostie!!! C:~
