Monday, February 25, 2013


Hi there, I'm Ilovemypets8.  Today I guess I am going to tell you a bit about myself.  (And I'm so sorry this was so late >_<)


Animal: I love all animals, but foxes are one that takes the lead. c:
Color: Green and blue.
Food: Pizza and lots of other sweets.
Female singer: Hatsune Miku or Demi Lovato
Male singer: Adam Young
Band: Owl City ;P
Game website: Animal Jam
Song: Lots and lots of songs.


A random little summary I suppose...

 I love my pets, and well all animals.  If I could have any pet it'd probably be a fox, or a wallaby, or perhaps a coatimundi.  I'm homschooled but I used to go to a public school, up until 6th grade (this year).  I would say I'm an introvert, since I don't like large crowds.

I'm weird and I guess proud of that.  Usually I'm not into way too many popular bands, except Owl City, so I'm not really a Directioner (did I spell that right...?) or Belieber or anything.  I also don't really get these popular name brand clothes, mainly because I don't really care... XD 


Some other things.~~~
Gender: Female.
Religion: Christian
Nickname: pets or ilmp
Country: United States of America


Things that make me happy....

My friends (when they're in a good mood.) 
Animals.  I love seeing them in real life, my Mom said she say an owl today LITARALLY outside of the door.
Wide spaces.  What I mean by this is farms, empty fields, and that sort of stuff.
Funny things.  Mainly videos. XD


So I guess that's all I have for now.  I hope I did okay for a first post...

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