Sunday, February 24, 2013

Hi, im Anika, the new author for the blog!

Hi , Im Anika and i am one of the new authors for the blog. Thanks so much for inviting me.  In advance im sorry if i never post or do things very well because im not good at blogging;). Let me tell you guys a little bit about my self , im 12 years old,live in Victoria, BC, and love art, books and animals! I have a two guinea pigs named Hoole and Skitter and they are both adorable. I also have a cat named Oscar,very very cute.I will try to post pictures of them but not quite sure how.  Frost wolf Is telling us to post something about friendship so i think ill do that next time.If you have any tips about writing blogs, please please tell me, i am horrible at it! - Thats all for now :D. There is lots more things about me but im not sure how to write it.
Thats Hoole a.k.a my profile picture. p.s. Could someone help me with my code name Anika is a bit boring dont ya think.


  1. Anika,
    Lawl and welcome! Those pictures are so kawaii!(cute) Your code name? What about.. Ani-Chan? It's just this random nickname I came up with in less than a couple of seconds!

    1. Thanks maybe I will use that nickname I mean it's so random. Who doesn't like random! :D. I do have amzy but I think I'll use both. Thank you so much!

    2. Thanks maybe I will use that nickname I mean it's so random. Who doesn't like random! :D. I do have amzy but I think I'll use both. Thank you so much!
