Saturday, February 23, 2013

Sticks and Stones may Break my Bones but Words Won't <WRONG

Well, I'm sure you've heard of 'Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones, But Words Won't.'
Well this quote is W-R-O-N-G WRONG!
Take bullies for instance. Some bully physically, or verbally.
When they bully verbally, they throw tons of insults, jeers, and all this crap at you.
Some people take this to HEART! Many teens and kids go home and cry themselves to sleep!!
Or even worse, cut themselves! Or even worse than that, try to commit suicide!
To me, bullies is A LOT like slavery, or segregation.
In slavery, Whites separated the African Americans and put them into slavery thinking they were 'unclean'. Luckily, President Abraham Lincoln put a stop to it!
Then, years later, people changed their ways. Saying: 'African Americans aren't the same as us Whites! They're unclean, dirty, etc'
And they separated basically EVERYTHING.
So, in conclusion, words REALLY hurt. Be careful!


  1. Great post AG! True! So very VERY true.

  2. Imagination is Key,
    I so agree! I cry myself to sleep at times, and I cry for no apparent reason. I used to cut myself, but now I stopped, but I still do it at times. Oh and did you know, Mississippi just ratified the no slave amendment thingy? It's sorta scary how that meant there still COULD have been slaves in Mississippi!! Overall, I love this post!

  3. Abe Lincoln HELPED stop slavery in America, which didn't start out of dislike towards Africans, no we had Native American slaves as well. We did it for plantations, money, etc... and it was wrong, and disgusting, and greedy. Even after the Civil War the Jim Crow/Segregation Laws were put in to action which separated blacks, and whites when it came to school, dining, etc... Abraham Lincoln wasn't alive at this time. Moving on, segregation is bullying, it isn't like bullying. In the most extreme forms of racism, the KKK for example it's simply pure evil. One more thing, segregation had nothing to do with words, it more so the fact they put into prison, and legitimately beaten if they "disrespected" someone white.
