Friday, March 8, 2013

Courage and Bravery

Meep!  ^.^ 

Courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. 
 Here're a couple of quotes! (Some by me, some by others.)




Be courageous.

Being courageous, however, does not mean "take risks". 

When you have courage, you also know what is right.



  1. Kiny, you are brilliant. All your posts are pawesome!!

  2. I know who you are. You are one of my authors, cuz' the comment was published without me looking at it. You are either K or S, and you know what I mean by that.
    You know in a way, it is very rude. And I don't appropriate it.

    And I can post on whatever I want. Okay? I KNOW Kin is better then me in any way. Okay?

    ~A very upset FrostWolf. -.-~

    1. I don't understand.
      That can't be any of the authors, because they did it on anonymous and it only publishes their comments automatically if they're doing it on their blogger account. So it must be a glitch with blogger or something.
      But I don't get why that's such a bad comment... I think it's a very nice one.

  3. Meep! I agree with Dawn, of course! ^.^ (Any comment saying nice things about me is...well...nice!)
    But yeah, what do you mean? K or S = Kinyonga or SilverDawn, yeah? Do you mean you think one of US posted that comment?
    And so what if it WAS SilverDawn? She has every right to do so! X3 Anyone can...? But it wasn't either of us, LOL!
    Couldn't have been one of the other authors? o.o

    ~Kinyonga signed into her sis...

  4. I mean the rude comments to ME. That one was fine.
