Friday, March 22, 2013

Earth Hour

Sorry I didn't post before now, I didn't have time DX
Did you know today is Earth Hour day?
Well, if you didn't, I guess you don't know what Earth Hour is.
Basically, it's this: on the 23rd of March (this year at least) at 8.30pm (English time), people turn off their lights and electricity. 
It's a sort of show-people-how-to-stop Climate Change thing.
Like this:
Eiffel Tower...
On the right, before earth hour. And on the left, during.
Big Ben...
Sydney Harbour...

Empire State Building...
Do you roughly get it? ^.^
Well, I'm participating anyway X3
But it's not just then that you should use little or no electricity! Every day try and use as little as possible! :)

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