Thursday, March 21, 2013


Greetings! Wolfskin here and sorry for not posting! Finally, here I am. More about me.....I almost quit AJ, because I accidentaly recycled my grey worn which I had for 1 year. I love to sing, draw and listen to Linkin Park. I totally hate hate hate 'Bennoda' or 'Hahnoda' or any type of '-noda'. Calm down, Wolfy......Okay, I must, need to tell it. Haters kiss then date a bananna! So yeah, that's basically what I like and so. Also, I have big plans for the future. I wanna be a judge. Not at the X Factor, at the Supreme Court or what's it called in America. Bye! Glad to be a helper of the blog! Thank you, Frost.


  1. yay! You FINALLY posted!! :D
    But one thing . . . try not not to swear. . . use other words or phrases, like "JUMPING BANANAS-HATERS BACK OFF!" Or something like that! ^^ Lol!

  2. I did! I did! -bows down-
    N'AAAAAAAW! Okay....-pouts-
