Thursday, March 21, 2013


What is 'Love'?
   Many believe love is a sensation that magically generates when Mr. or Ms. Right appears. No wonder so many people are single......
  Consciously or unconsciously (who knows....?) they, we, believe love is a sensatation that magically generates when Mr. or Ms. Right appears. And just as easily, it can spontaneously degenerate when the magic 'just isn't there' anymore. You fall in love, and you can fall out of it, just as many of us do.

  So what is love ― real, lasting love? Love is the attachment that results from deeply appreciating another's goodness. The word 'goodness' may surprise you. After all, most love stories don't feature a couple enraptured with each other's ethics.

  What we value most in ourselves, we value most in others. God created us to see ourselves as good ,hence our need to either rationalize or regret our wrong doings. So, too, we seek goodness in others. Nice looks, an engaging personality, intelligence, and talent may attract you, us, but goodness is what moves everyone to love.

  If love comes from appreciating goodness, it doesn't just happen ― you can make it happen. Love is active. You can create it. Just focus on the good in another person (and everyone has some, even the thieves.) If you can do this easily, you'll love easily as well. The best way to be loved is to love.

Sorry for becoming so angelic. I just felt like I needed tell it. Also, I read some articles then this came up.