Friday, March 22, 2013

Respect for Nature! :>

Hello, all! This is Frosty! I am going to be posting on. . .
Respecting Nature

God made every living thing on this earth, so how could we even think about hurting or disrespecting it? When people just kick around animals, and cut down trees for NO reason at ALL, it’s kinda’ like disrespecting God. See, if you like –I don’t know- drew all over a statue that someone made, it would be like doing it to the artist, and the artist that made all of us, and everything around us, is God. 
 I am SURE this is how the wildlife feels! My favorite is the one the squirrel is holding up! Lol! "I'm bitter about Litter" >:D And I AM TO!!

Have a great day!

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