Sunday, March 17, 2013

Summer Fun!

Hi guys, today im going to talk about summer, i was thinking about doing it on jealousy, but i  decided writing about this woud be funner. 
So, what makes summer so fun? EVERYTHING!! Summer break is a good time to spend time with friends, family and just have fun! 
I could tell you why i love summer but that would go on and on and on. What i really want to know is what you guys out there LOVE about summer. Is it being outside, spending time with friends, going camping? Its you to decide what you want to to on summer break. I think summer is really good for you cause you get lots of sun aka vitamin c and you can just relax and have a good time, not stressing yourself on stupid school work. :( I feel really bad for the kids that have to go to summer school!uhg it makes me so mad! 
Summer school should be banned, its worser then you think, not just cause some kids hate school, but it stresses you out.  Like i said summer break is for relaxing a few months or so, NOT going to school again!
 I think lots of people cant wait til summer break because its just nice! :)
Now i cant wait till schools out for good! :D
Laughing lion.



  1. I like to camp, and like to go on vacations!! :D :D It's AwEsOmE! ;P

    Thanks so much for posting! ;P :D


  2. I love summer! CLike FrostWolf, vacations and camping are highlights . . . And also just running outside and playing baseball is too, for me at least xD.

    1. Yeah! I like doing water gun rights at your house!! SO FUN!!! :D :D

  3. Thanks for saying what u like about summer, I love all those things about summer too there's fun!
    Camping is one of they many things I love doing as wellasthe sun relaxation water fights and so much more!

  4. Thanks for saying what u like about summer, I love all those things about summer too there's fun!
    Camping is one of they many things I love doing as wellasthe sun relaxation water fights and so much more!
