Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Tree Hugging

Wow, not many people post on here now... o.o
Or even seem to be around... o.o
Well, I'm posting anyway! ^.^
This is the sort of post that you're either going to find totally weird, random, obvious or just "ah?".
Tree Hugging
What the heck's that, you ask.
Good question!
Tree Hugging is sometimes used as a derogatory thing to say about environmentalists. 
But it's actually a form of...well...I'm not sure what exactly! X3
But it's been scientifically proven that tree hugging helps your health etc.

It keeps you in tune with nature. You get strength from the tree and it helps you if you're depressed.
In fact, all natural "green" things help!
Why not try it? ^.^
My uncle does this sort of thing - also talking to trees.
 Not necessarily out loud - sort of thought-talking to them.
They reply, believe it or not.
And off you go, feeling totally refreshed.

Don't take my pics!


  1. Brilliant Kiny!
    But yeah, where have the other authors gone...? Only Leafa and Imagination have posted recently...

  2. Truly though... Someone showed be what a true tree hugger is.. Whhch I think the relgion is annisimn (probably spelt that wrong). They think moutains, rocks, and trees have life. I'm pretty sure they don't believe in God. But anyways I do adore nature, and I love that pic of your cat! XD

    1. Ah? Really? o.o
      Well, I'm sure you can be a sort of mountain/rock/trees have life person AND believe in God! X3
      My uncle does ^.^

    2. You can believe there's God in everything, like in trees and rocks and stuff :)
