Saturday, February 23, 2013

Stuff . . .

Hello! This is Frost! 
 I think everyone that is going to do an introduction post has done theirs, So, I am going to let everyone start posting lessons. . . NOW!!!! I'd like everyone to at least post weekly ;P But you can just post  every other week if that's what you choose, but if you go three weeks without posting, (unless you tell me you aren't going to be able to) You will be kicked off the Crew. (Gee. . . That sounds a bit harsh!)  But here is the best part! (For people that still do Animal Jam) I am giving my green worn to the person that posting the best (and the most) lessons this week!

I hope I get a bit more views today also. . . For the last few days I've been like 20  a day. . . :(
But, anyhow, Thanks so much for reading!

P.s. If you are not an author and wish to be, just give me your blogger email, and you'll be on the crew in NO TIME! ;P


  1. Twenty views a day! You lucky little... thing! I had 11 yesterday, and 2 the day before... well, at least they're both some of my lucky numbers! ;D I'll be able to post next Wednesday, probs. Agh, talking of Wednesdays, I need to get off the computer! Panic!!!!!!! O.O

  2. Only 2. . . Ow. . .

    That's not panic, TODAY IS MY TEST!!!!!!!! Now THAT is what I call PANIC!!!


  3. I'll try to do mine later when my mom logs me into her e-mail.
