Friday, February 22, 2013

Hallo! I'm Tortiesrock!

Hallo everyone! I'm Tortiesrock and I'll be another contributor/author to this blog! Thanks Frostwolf for the invite X3 So here's some stuff about me, I'll try not to rant
I'm Tortiesrock (Obviously...). You can call Torties, Rock, Awesome X3, and anything else X3 I don't mind! I love reading and studying about
World War I, World War II, The Holocaust, Germany, Ireland, Prussia, and awesomeness. I am obsessed with
Awesomeness, Germany, Ireland, Prussia, The Holocaust, World War I & II, blogs, and books. Oh and did I mention
Anime, manga, and... Pocky! I have a serious fetish for...
Cute Stuff!
Awesome Stuff!
Alice in Wonderland
The Art of being Awesome! 

I really like this blog because...
All the awesome quotes!
"Seasons may come and go,but friendship can last forever

That quotes awesome X3 Even though I don't have any friends... Well, not that many. I don't like most of the people I know... Doesn't mean I don't like you people! So I'll stop ranting now, see you guys in my posts!

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