Saturday, March 2, 2013


Well, we all know what anger is right? It is a natural way a human's life, but sometimes it can really get out of hand. I dont think my anger has ever gone out of control and i hope it never will but for people out there that has, lets just hope it wasent to serious. ;). Well any way, anger can happen in many ways,here are some examples of what your anger could  ruing. Relationships,work,school, family anything really,things that we could never think of. Now like i said before anger is not bad, just when it gets out of control, in fact anger is sometimes good! Angers good in one way because after you become mad and express your feelings you actullay fell much better. But in some cases you dont. My tip is to never hold you anger in for too long, i have done this many times, and it is not pleasent . If you do hold in your anger the thoughts just keep running through your head , like a big bee hive! But  of course we all have been very angry sometime in our life witch is completely fine, and you know what no one is perfect, it sjust them being themselves, so i guess this message is just telling yourself to be who you are, cause in my opinion everyone in the world is a pretty cool person. :)

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