Saturday, March 2, 2013

Hi1 This is Frost! 

Clearly I need to post some Posting Rules. I have had to delete two posts from the same person, and if I have to do it again, I am deleting that person from the author list. I am not naming this author for her/his sake, but you know who you are. I lost so many views since you posted those posts. -.- 

Okay, here are the rules.

  1. Post UPLIFTING things.
  2. No swearing.
  3. You must post at least every other week. 
Like I said, this is supposed to be an uplifting blog. Thanks. =.=

Well, thanks so much for reading, and please, FOLLOW THESE SIMPLE RULES.


P.s. here is the new sig HamsterHelper!

Like it?

1 comment:

  1. Meep! Please can you check your email, Frostie? ;)

