Friday, March 15, 2013


Hi. Frost here. 

I am posting this is for Annon.
Now I know how Just Love Animals feels. A mysterious Annon had posted rude and mean  comments. And now I feel like quitting this blog as well. -.- 

Here is the comments and shtuff. . .
*I meant HOW there* 
I want you (Annon) so STOP! You are hurting my feelings believe it or not. I know I may sound like a little kid, but I have slightly tender feelings. It's just- every post I do, that annon posts a mean comment either saying I copied  Kinyonga, or that my post is just plane horrible! And on Kins posts he/she posts comments saying how great she is, and how she is the best author. (Kin, I am not trying to be mean! You are a GREAT author!!) But it's just, augh. . . I don't know. . .  -.-

I just feel like feel like quitting this blog. I can't post ANYTHING good. 

Well, *sighs* good night. 


  1. I sympathize with you, FrostWolf >:( STOP IT Anonymous! How dare you! Criticize yourself!

  2. Meep!!! ^.^
    The ASPCA etc DO let that happen, anon. Otherwise those animals wouldn't BE there. Get your facts straight! The ASPCA can't just barge into someone's "farm" and say "oi! stop right there!" can they?

    Oh! And concerning ME what have *I* done to deserve all this praise? I don't want it if you're gonna be mean to Frosty! D:<

    But, I guess, anon1 who was praising me is not NECESSARILY anon2 who did the ASPCA comment...but idk...


  3. I'm so sorry about that comment! :(
    But you know, Frosty, you can't tell it was the same person. Everyone who looks at this blog has an anonymous option when they comment. It can be a terrible mistake to accuse someone without proof.
    But I hope these anons, whoever they are, stop being nasty!! I don't think they were actually being spiteful, you know that there are a lot of people out there whose parents are mean to them, whose siblings are mean to them, who are bullied at school, and who generally have a very bad life, and sometimes they just bring out their feelings on some kind, friendly girl on the computer. :(

  4. Anon needs to watch this:

    And after he/she watches this they just need to leave you alone because you're a good person.

    1. Oh. MY. GOSH! That is HORRIBLE!!!! Tossing the little piglets like that!??!!??!?!? Those people should be put in jail for LIFE!!!


  5. That is so awful!!! Kicking and hurling those piglets, and kicking the mother pig in the MOUTH?!!!?? That makes me SOOOO mad!D:< :'(

  6. I I just read theanimal cruelty and I was speechless its so sad. That chicken picture was leastdisgusting but still omg. Sorry frosty for not posting much I'm just really busy..Anika taylor

    1. That's okay, but I really REALLY hope you can post soon!!!

