Friday, March 15, 2013

Hello! This is FrostWolf!
  I am going to be posting on Cruel Dairy Farms! >:|
You are eating sick, drugged, infectious animals. They are put in disgusting  pens, and treated horible!
Cows are put in- well I can't remember the word right now- where the lights are always on, so the cows think it is always daytime, and do nothing but eat. They eat and eat and eat and eat, while their standing sometimes even knee high in their own scat.
Like that! But this one is pretty clean compared to some.
And look! A new born baby calf! The farmers are probably not even going to give a darn and leave it there to drown in the other cows' waste.
Now here is an example of a really dirty one:
I bet you that cow is dead. And I am pretty sure that is just a calf.
 Oh- and calf's are taken away from thier mother less then a week since they've been born.
Now for Pigs.
 Look! It looks like it is being cooked alive, but it isn't. Don't you wonder what in the world happen to his back? Just looking at that gives me chills.  .  .
The pigs grow up on slop, and then get sent to a big factory, and are let out of their pens to eat, but they are really running into a trap. The door quickly snaps shut, in less then two seconds are dead. I don't know if they gas em', or what, but the trap then flips over, and tosses the dead pigs.
Now here's the Chickens Story.
That picture says is all. 
Once a day people have to go in those things with gas masks on, and pick up the dead ones. At least 20 out of a group that big would be dead. 
Now, here are some pictures of healthy dairy and meat animals.
Muck better? Eh? 
Well, I think that is long enough. 
Thank you for reading! 


  1. Wow that's awful D:

    P.S couldn't you have posted this on PAWS? (not trying to be mean or anything!)

    1. I did! Didn't I?? I wrote it on there, then copied it to here! :O

  2. You should watch Food, Inc. I feel extremely guilty for eating any sort of meat every time I watch that O.o Not only that, I also feel extremely betrayed realizing the filfth people our fed, without even realizing it D:

    1. Food Ink is where i got all of this Info! :O IKR!!

  3. You know I'm sure those nasty farms don't exist in america because the FDA or EPA or ASPCA wouldn't let that happen. Besides it doesn't really make a difference unless you cut meat out of your life. I'm sure you're not a vegetarian are you? And another thing, you don't really tell us how we can help to stop it. All you are doing is complaining on something. No offence. I just think we should help to stop it. Don't YOU?-a frined

    1. I don't know HOT TO STOP IT! How about you keep your rude comments to yourself!
      And THEY DO! I drive past them EVERY DAY!!
      And I barley eat any meat, and my mom buys all organic stuff!

      Stop being SO RUDE annon! I KNOW you like Kin's posts better then mine! She is just so much better then anyone on this blog huh?
      Just keep your rude mouth SHUT! On EVEY one of my posts you say something bad about it! ( am not trying to sound mean) but stop viewing this blog. I am SICK of you.

      ~A VERY man FrostWolf~

    2. Dear mysterious rude anon person,
      First off, I HATE YOU
      Thirdly, Why are you so mean? I mean was that really necessary to say something rude...? She didn't do anything to you!! She was just posting about animal abuse. I've had my share of "fun" with you as well. you repeatedly posted rude things about my blog before too. Just get a one cares about your worthless opinions. Also, THE ASPCA AND FDA OR EPA CANT STOP EVERYTHING!! People actually get away with stuff like this. This is reality. Maybe in your messed up world this doesn't happen, but in the real world people get away with stuff like this.

      My advise to your is go to Church, get help, and act mature for once in your life. (If you even have a life, which i highly doubt)

      @Frosty ignore this loser. He's just jealous of how totally awesome this blog is. There are going to be people that will always try to make you feel bad. Don't let them get to you. Your worth so much more than this loser. Love yah Sasha! I always got your back! :) <3

  4. I'm a vegetarian now because of all this non-sense. =-=

  5. Hush up and get a life, Anon -.- How'd you like it if this happened to you? Also, if the EPA,FDA, and ASPCA had stopped all this, why are there pictures of it? And on the next post, ilovemyanimals8 has a video of this in action!!!
