Friday, March 1, 2013

Hello! This is Frost! 
TheHamsterHelper wanted me to make a banner, so here is it! 
I couldn't find a background that would look good with hamsters on it, AND match your theme, but, I thought this looked nice. What do you think? I can always re-do it if it wasn't what you were quite looking for! ;P

Well, Thanks for reading! ;P

P.s. I can make you a sig to! ;P Jsut ask!!! :D


  1. It's so cool!! Thanks! Could you just do a cooler font? Thanks so much!! :))

  2. I meant like bubble letters lol sorry! I can still use this one if you want. And I really want a sig too! With bubble letters! XD <33

  3. can you make me a cool sig when you get a chance thanks so much! <3 :)
