Saturday, March 2, 2013

Laziness=BAD! >:|

 Hi! This is good old Frosty! (Lol!) I am going to be posting on. . .

Laziness,  NOT a virtue! 

Laziness is NOT a good thing! When I think of laziness, I think of how stupid it is! You could get SO MUCH done in a day, like cleaning your room, your house, washing the dishes and ext. Personally, I HATE dirtiness! It is just disgusting! My room is almost ALWAYS clean! I hate it when I go to my friends house, and they say you can't go in their room because their parents wont allow you to see the mess. -.- It just goes to show that they have been, LAZY.  

Three ways how to tell that someone it Lazy:
  1. Their room is a TOTAL junk yard.
  2. When you get together they always suggest to watch TV or other things that all you do it sit.
  3. They don't take showers, and their clothes are always dirty.
Well, to shorten things up, LAZY=BAD. 
And think about this. Do you think God is lazy? And the answer is a BIG FAT N.O.!  NO. 

Thanks for reading!

P.s. Here is the banner and Sig!


  1. Can you do a different backround please? Otherwise it's perfect! :)

  2. Nuuu! I'm lazy all the time... My room isn't messy, I don't really watch T.V, and I take a shower every other day... I love being lazy though
