Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Hi!  I'm Leafa, the newest author!  I don't have a pen name; I just go by Leafa on the Internet.  This is my intro post.

A few things you should know about me-

I like felines, canines and equines (horses), as well as mythical creatures, and like fantasy books.  I am between one and one hundred, and the only author I actually know in real life is ✬FrostWolf✬.  I'm proud to be an author of The Undeniable Truth, too; it's the first time I've ever shared authorship of a blog, and I have three others.  Visit my profile to see them!  But please do not see "Older Posts" in Ten Terrific Years.

I do not have any mottos like SilverDawn, although I wish I did.  I just can't choose which one matters most to me; probably, if they were all mashed into one motto, that would be mine. 

I fancy myself an author.  I have ideas for two books, and one more is taking form; another two are just for my amusement, as they are warrior books.  I don't write on paper very much, as I get writer's cramp, but I am a great typer and so I usually type on Microsoft Word documents.

I enjoy piano music and am a pianist.  My favorite songs are Tales from the Vienna Woods, Canon in D (<3)and I like Beethoven.  I don't really listen to any music except Barry Manilow, which I doubt you've ever heard of.  I'm probably the youngest person on this blog, too, and I'm probably a nerd because I'm kept a little excluded from the band-musicky world.  Just solo piano songs for me:) 

I like to read Anne of Green Gables books, Warriors, Seekers, Survivors, and classics such as The Phantom Tollbooth and The Wind in the Willows. 

Soooo. . . . . .

I excel in History and GUM (Grammar, Usage and Mechanics) and other Language Art skills.  I am a terrific speller despite occasional flaws in my typing you may see from time to time.  Math is tolerable, but like all people who are excellent in Language Arts, I am dreadful at it.  I'm average at Science and Art.

Also, I may say something that hurts your feelings, or that doesn't pertain to the subject, or that is intended to be funny but isn't.  If I do this, please just tell me nicely and I'll do better in the future.  I'm not the most tactful person, either :p

P.S. Like my. . . . "name picture"?


  1. That's an AWESOME post, and an AWESOME name tag! ;P


  2. Nice post! :D
    I'm not into bands either ^.^
    At all...
    I only know the name of one, and that's only because it's so popular and everyone is talking about it, lol! (One Direction)


  3. *~Kinyonga with no extra A... O.O

  4. I think I might be more of a nerd than you, because I don't know what a nerd is...

  5. I don't think ANYONE on this blog is a nerd, much less yourself, Leafa! Just because you're VERY smart, sound intelligent when you write and talk, and don't listen to bands doesn't make you a nerd. :P You supa cool! :D
