Thursday, March 7, 2013

What makes a "Nerd" a "nerd"

Hello! :D Amelia0308 here! 
I'm posting to prove that being considered a "nerd" is not necessarily a bad thing! First of all, here's a somewhat comical definition of the word as stated by the Urban dictionary (which I do not recommend as a very reliable source for useful information except for in this one special case :3)

One whose IQ exceeds his weight.

Does that sound like a bad thing? LOL! I think that if you have a high IQ, that's not a bad thing! Now, I don't know what it would take for me to be able to have one that exceeded MY weight, but a high IQ certainly sounds like a plus to me! :D

Here are some usual hobbies for those considered to be "nerds" as stated by Wikipedia, the famous free online encyclopedia! :P 

 Intellectual, academic, or technical hobbies, activities, and pursuits, especially topics related to science, mathematics, engineering, linguistics, history and technology.
Intellectual, academic, or technical hobbies, activities, and pursuits, especially topics related to science, mathematics, engineering, linguistics, history and technology.

None of those sound negative to me, despite how much they may be looked down on by the "popular" group. In fact, nerds sound like they are the SMART crowd, the crowd that's actually going to go somewhere in life! 

To finish this post, I just want to share a quote that I have no clue who thought of. My older brother told it to me, and I don't know where he got it either.. perhaps FrostWolf will remember..? anywho, here it is:

Be careful when you criticize nerds - you may end up working for one someday. 

That is a VERY logical statement! You have to be pretty intellectually advanced to run your own company that has the ability to hire and fire, and to make or break someone's paycheck at the same time. 

So, next time someone calls you a nerd, say "Thank you" C:

Thanks for reading!

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