Thursday, March 14, 2013

I don't mean to cover up the post below, but I need to give a great friend of mine her banners I promised! ;P ( BTW, this is Frost!)

Okay, so here is the one for Life's Written Truth! ;P 

I know Life's Written Truth and Lessons of many are different texts, but I just t noticed it now! :( me sorry! I can make another if this one isn't good enough.

And here is the one for The Everyday Life of My Pets:

 I knwo it isn't Tie Dye, but I couldn't find a good rainbow tie dye picture! :'(
Well, I hope you like them! ;P

I will make you a name tag once I know what your new user is going to be! ;P

Well, go down for a great post! V (<--- arrow pointing down! hahah!)

Have a great day! And I need more authors!! Tell all of your friends and buddies about this blog, and feel free to ask to be an author! ;P 

Bye! ;P

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