Thursday, March 21, 2013


Hi!  Leafa is here with yet another post. By the way, nice topics, Anika and Wolfskin!:)

My topic today is on pride. 

Pride is where you are quite satisfied with yourself or someone else.  Pride is not necessarily a good or bad thing; if you become self-important, thinking yourself greater than others, it is bad.  But if you take pride in your work. . .Like taking pride in a good achievement. . .that's not a bad thing.  It's a good thing, because you will be encouraged to keep on going.  It's good to be happy with little, enjoyable things you do well with; it's even better if it's a large, important, worthwhile thing.  Pride is an excellent thing that can lead you to great heights with its encouragement and satisfaction. Take pride in other's good accomplishments, too, and say so, because that will make others like you.

However, if you let yourselves become the aforementioned self-important person, people will dislike you if you boast.  They won't want to be belittled by you.  And also being self-important will lead to you bullying, and that will lead to no friends and bad influence and habits.
     So, to summarize: So do take pride in your work, and in other's work, because that will lead you on to greater heights and achievements; but don't "make molehills into mountains" (adapted quote :p) because that'll make you self-important.

     Sorry for the larger words like 'aforementioned' and the rather complicated, serious demeanor.  It's because I've been reading A Little Princess--one of the best books I've ever read, by the way. :D:D

     Thanks for viewing, and have a nice day! :D



  1. a Little Princess is a good book, isn't it? :D I read it when I was eight ^.^
    Yes, I agree wholeheartedly with this post :) Also being proud of your children is fine XD

    1. Frost-yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!! (Frost is in a verry happy mood!! xP)March 22, 2013 at 5:31 AM

      GREAT POST!! :D :D Yeah! I am seen the move as well! The one where Shirley Temple played as the little princes! I think I might have cried. . .
