Thursday, February 21, 2013

Hello! This is Frost!

I just needed to post, because I REALLY need more authors!! Please, Anyone who WANTS to be an author, JUST ASK!!! :D :D 
I know this blog wont be a good as Life's Written Truth, but, I have hopes for it to become a pretty populated blog. . . :) 
Later today I'll be posting on Friendship! And I'd like some of my authors to post before the end of this week. . . maybe?

Well, Thank you for reading. . . :)

P.s. Like my new Sig?


  1. I want to be an author, but i cant give out my email adress... Is there a way i can become author without getting an email?

    1. Um. . . I don't think so. . . I'm really sorry. But I wouldn't post the comment if you did give me you email. And I would bug you with email either! XP But, I'd REALLY like you as an author! :) And I'll try to find a way. . . if I can. :)


    2. @BlueWolf - Meep! Nope, there sadly isn't a way...
      @Frost - Hello! ;) Can you check your main email please? Thanks :D
