Saturday, March 2, 2013

Story - by AllRiseSilver

Meep! :3 AllRiseSilver did a really good story, and as she said I could post it on here, here it is! ^.^
All credit for this goes to AllRiseSilver!!!!!

The Land Of Lies


Once upon a time, in a valley far beyond the mountains and lush forests, there was a kingdom. The kingdom was majestic and proud, with a bustling community and regal towers. They were lead by a brave and noble king, who had escaped from another palace far, far away. He taught his people of lands beyond the mountains, where other majestic kingdoms stood. 

He had children, and his children had children, until he and his ancestry became shrouded and forgotten in the mist, just like the kingdom. Hundreds of years flew by, and the founding king's tales of wide blue skies and rippling seas were soon to be though of nothing but tales to lull the children to sleep. 

The citizens of the kingdom thought nothing of the lands beyond their reach, and decided to stay nestled in the valley, where they were content to live care-free. The monarchy weakened with each passing year, and they, too, had forgotten about what was beyond their borders. Some went far enough to think that they must be the only kingdom on the great, green, Earth.

They refused knowledge, and turned their noses to innovations. The kingdom became clothed in the lies sewn by its own people.

A baby boy was born to the royal family, with glossy hair and clear skin and bright eyes. He was fed silken food out of a gold spoon, and taught that he had been born into the most powerful people on Earth. Everything was right at his fingertips. The boy grew into a young man, and he was on his way to becoming the king.

But this boy had something no one else in the kingdom had possessed for hundreds of years. A burning, great desire and passion for knowledge. He would be tucked in at night, only to relight the oil lamp and read beneath his bed sheets.The prince longed to travel across the borders, and make the fog around the kingdom dissipate. To his dismay, no one else shared his interest, and he was forced to stay inside his chambers, where he would not be able to spread his thoughts. For his thoughts clashed with the arrogant, self-centered people of the kingdom.

He could pound on the thick oak door for as long as he wanted, but at the end of the day, when his hands became bruised and his breath became ragged, he would still be trapped. So, to pass the time, he read.

He read stories of majestic palaces, far greater and larger than his own, and wide open seas and prairies. He read of great beasts who trumpeted and roared, creatures that must have sprung out of a wild child's imagination. There was danger, yes, but also magnificent wonder.

He did not hate his people. For it was not entirely their fault that time and age had eroded away at their curiosity, and blinded their eyes to what was beyond them. If only the trapped prince could see with his own eyes the faded images in his yellowed books, if only he could bring back a scrap of knowledge or truth from the lands past the dark mountains, then perhaps his dear people would see the truth.

A unnatural change occurred in the prince. With each word he read, with each page he turned, his appearance took on a metamorphosis. His clear skin began to wither and dry, and his hair no longer soft to the touch. He felt weakened, and fatigued. But if physical appearance was the price to pay for truth, then the prince was more than willing to pay.

One night, the prince was gazing out of his window, wondering once more where the stars resided. The fog was thick and the lights of the city were bright as they celebrated a jovial holiday without any clear meaning. It was then that the prince knew what to do.

He slung a rope of cloth down from the window, holding his breath as his hands burned against the material. His thin frame could barely stand as he ran. His heart pounded- he was free at last. He could see the world, and with the knowledge he would gain, he could open his people's eyes to the truth.

The escaped prince ran until his feet could carry him no longer. He came to rest under an old tree upon the hill, where he sat down and gazed upon his kingdom. He could see a poor, young boy being pushed aside by the wealthy. His eyes stung and his head ached, and he turned away. What have my people come to?

The sun's rays gently kissed the horizon, and the prince raised a frail hand to shield his eyes. He felt so hungry and tired, despite the cool air that soothed his skin. He looked up at the tree he sat under. There, just above his head, was the ripest, juiciest fruit he had ever seen. It shone in the morning light like a brilliant gem from the deeps.

He couldn't identify it, for he had never seen it before.The prince wobbled to his feet, slowly reaching for it. It came free from the branch with a soft snap, and he looked at in awe before sinking his teeth into it hungrily.

It tasted so rich and sweet and crisp, unlike anything he had tasted before. The never ending drinks and foods of the kingdom could never match it. He swallowed the first bite, and his eyes widened in pain. The bitten fruit fell to the ground, and he slid against the tree, feeling confused and bewildered.

His eyes squeezed shut, and he clutched the sides of his head. Through the deafening pound of his agony, he saw a brilliant woman come out from behind the tree. She was surely not from this world. The woman looked at the prince, her expression one of disdain and satisfaction, but the prince was blind to her plans.

"Please, my lady, help me!" he cried, his withered hand stretching towards her.

She picked up the fruit, turning it around in her hands, before stashing it away in her gown. "I'm afraid I cannot do so, my prince," she said with mock sorrow.

Her smooth, youthful hand stroked the prince's and he screamed in pain. "Stop! Please, I beg you!" He pulled his hand back towards  him, and then stared at it in shock. It had turned back to its original state of pristine beauty and youth.

The woman snarled in anger, her face becoming ever so hateful and ugly. Where her hand used to be pale and bright, it was now old, like the prince's used to be.

The prince had been gorgeous on the inside the entire time. The woman glared at him furiously. "It doesn't matter. You will be dead soon, and I will rule the kingdom."

She smirked at the prince's tears. "The time of the truth has come to an end, and the kingdom will happily welcome the lies they want to hear."

The prince collapsed to the ground, and cried softly, not for his pain, but for his people. The woman's retreating figure was the last thing the prince saw before his eyes closed for the final time.

Thus the horrid, ugly truth fell to the beautiful lie, all due to the ignorant people who wouldn't accept him.



oh yeah. if ya don't know what angst means, it's just what some writers use to describe sad stories. angst in general describes sadness, anguish, fear, etc.

Okay. I tried to put a lot of meaning into this one. As you may have figured out, the prince represents truth. The more he came to knew, the uglier he became, referring to the saying 'the ugly truth'. The beautiful woman who poisoned him, she represents lies and falsehood. She was dazzling and gorgeous, but lies are always like that. They're what you want to hear.
The people didn't listen to the prince because they wanted to believe that they were great and powerful, but they were ignorant and arrogant. They would welcome the beautiful woman who would feed them lies of their power. However, at the end, the prince was beautiful on the inside all along, and the woman was horribly ugly.

I made this story to relate to what many people are doing. They give others pretty lies just to keep them happy and stay in control.

I hope you understand this story, and the value behind it. In any situation, you can't let the truth fall to the lie.

**Note: I'm not discrimating genders in this, so don't say I think all women are liars and that I think dudes are ugly. I made the truth a prince and the lie a lady because women are typically related to beauty, and it just felt plain weird saying, "The ugly princess fell to the gorgeous dude." C'mon. No discrimination intended**

Thanks for reading!
 So there's what she did! Good eh? Well done AllRiseSilver!
I thought it went well with what's posted on the side of this blog;


P.S I didn't mean to post over (if you see what I mean...) your post, Frostie!! DX


  1. Uhhh SleepySasha, It's curious Joynes here And I'm just wondering.. what's the song for the blog.. Yeah thanks..

    1. It is Gold by Owl City!


      P.s. I am not SleepySasha anymore! ;p Frosty or Frost!
